Logo! 0BA6 05.03.2009

Logo! 0BA6 is the solution that is suitable for small & medium control applications designed as modules for optimums in the process of design, operation & maintenance.
Logo! 0BA6 is the solution that is suitable for small & medium control applications designed as modules for optimums in the process of design, operation & maintenance.
Logo! TD module helps users to see two different parameters at the same time between Logo screen and Logo!LD screen.Replacing COM port cable with USB port cable to advantage in the process of program upload, download.It is easier for users to programme & to look up functions if they use Logo!Softcomfort V6.0 program (supported completely free) with friendly interface.
For OBA6 version, the expansion of program memory capacity of over 50 percent equivalent to 200 functions, and the improvement of increasing analog signal input number (0-10V) up to 4 comparing with two input ports of the old lines & 4 analog input ports can be counted up to 5Khz, which is compatible with all expanded modules and previous programes
For Logo!0BA6, there are 50 massage blocks that can display 24 letters on one line and 4 lines on a massage block; in addition to including special functions for Analog sign & pulse functions, pulse width modulation for temperature control.Logo!TD & 4 lines LCD screens can display 24 letters or numbers on one line, have 6 keys equivalent to 6 keys on logo that can adjust parameters and have 4 function keys along the screen that can programe to replace 4 pressing buttons. They can also display graphs widthwise; besides, Logo!LD screen can display sensor thanks to levels of tanks, flows, speeds, time, counters,etc, ..and all are supplied by one of the only software that are Logo!softcomfort V6.0.
It is more convenient for Siemens’ clients to replace Com Port Programe Cable by USB, this can download or upload all the previous logos.